Hotel Real Tamasopo at the Huasteca Potosina
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Hotel Real Tamasopo at the Huasteca Potosina
Book now at +52 482 387 0462
The Huasteca Potosina is one of the most fascinating regions of Mexico, characterized by its spectacular landscapes, rivers, caves, waterfalls and majestic archaeological sites.

Located in the state of San Luis Potosi, the Huasteca is a region of warm lowlands which extends off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a gentle slope to the east, covering some portions of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Its name comes from the Huastecos, habitants of this area in ancient times. The influence of the past is still noticeable in the customs and way of life of the habitants of the Huasteca; in the traditions, festivals, language and clothing the feeling of ancient indigenous cultures is reflected. The archaeological testimonies that are scattered throughout the territory are also heritage of this glorious past.

6 regions that you can't miss when you visit the Huasteca Potosina:

1. Rio Verde

The Media Luna Lagoon is an amazing natural spa, consisting of a set of 6 springs that form a unique ecosystem of ecological tourism, scientific and historical importance, in the heart of the Middle region of the state of San Luis Potosi.

This interesting site is located in an area of 2.5 hectares in the ejido El Jabali, the San Luis municipality of Rio Verde, from where a river with 6.000 liters of water per second, clear and warm ideal for swimming, diving and appreciate indigenous aquatic species arises surprising.

It is also ideal for camping, mountain biking, observe the flora and fauna of the region, among other activities.

Hotel Real Tamasopo - Rio Verde

2. Tamasopo

Waterfalls of Tamasopo have three large waterfalls and transparent source of fun.

By forming relaxing ponds in constant renovation, the beautiful landscape of lush vegetation conditioning is with camping areas, restaurant, cabin and parking.

Puente de Dios is located 3 km northwest of the municipal head. The wet and wild access to this fancy of nature has a better reward when it is discovered. Here the turquoise torrent of water has made its way over time, forming a beautiful cave that is only possible sketch in the imagination.

By following the route of the river, at only 1 km walking come to Paso Ancho, another familiar landscape of green and serene ponds. Services in the area hotel and cabins are offered, but there are also camping areas.

3. Ciudad Valles

Located in the heart of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Ciudad Valles is strengthened increasingly as a meeting point to start an unforgettable adventure in the Huasteca.

Ciudad Valles find all necessary services (restaurants, banks, transport, etc.) to live fully your encounter with naturlaleza, culture and the warmth that characterizes this land.

Micos Waterfalls (Highway 70 turn right at km 7; 15 km by state road to the Naranjo more 2 km of dirt road). Around the large ponds that form the stream has simple restaurants, areas campsite and cabin rentals for a pleasant family stay.

Gruta de los Sabinos Ejido de los Sabinos (km 12 of Highway 85 plus 5 km of dirt road to the right). First experience to try to discover the secrets hidden beneath the surface.

El Sótano del Arroyo (1 km distant from the Gruta de Sabinos). Roscosa cavity attracts rappel practitioners.

Hotel Real Tamasopo - Cascadas de Micos

4. El Naranjo

For those seeking unusual places, or enter uncharted spaces filled with new emotions.

La Cascada El Salto (9 km from the county seat and 105 km from Ciudad Valles), which water curtain runs 70 meters before forming huge and blue ponds during the rainy season. An excellent panoramic picture is obtained from the Cascada El Meco (9 km from the county seat 101 km of valleys town), which is only possible look at it from a small lookout on the side of the road.

La Cascada de Minas Viejas (30 km from the county seat and 78 km from Ciudad Valles) wears 55 meters water drop, creating the huge and fresh pond bottom; surrounded by huge Sabines, the area offers some camping areas.

Hotel Real Tamasopo - Cascada El Salto

El Parque Urbano (urban area of the municipal head) is conditioned with palapas and green areas for picnics.

5. Aquismon

Cascada de Tamul (Highway 70 west of Ciudad Valles, the deviation at km 23 plus 18 km of dirt road to reach the town of Tanchachín). Its 105 meter vertical drop make it the most imposing and beautiful waterfall throughout the state. Ideal to enjoy from November to March, it is frequented to practice rappelling, peaking rafting and kayaking (by the Tampaon river, which here is formed), fishing, camping nearby, and diving in the deep 45 meters Cave Water.

Hotel Real Tamasopo - Sotano de las Golondrinas

Sótano de las Golondrinas (14 km west of the municipal head). Colossal abyss vertically inverted cone-shaped, with a diameter of 55 meters at its mouth and 512 meters deep places it among the deepest depths of the planet. It is listed as one of the Thirteen Natural Wonders of Mexico.

Sótano de las Huahuas (km 50 of Highway 85 Ciudad Valles-Tamazunchale, turn right to San Isidro Tampaxal, which starts a 800 meters ascent). This wonder is not far behind, as the conquest of 80 meters in diameter at its opening, more than 478 meters deep, is only reserved for real fearless rappel.

And if you discover mystery without much risk, it is, Manetzulel Caves (8 km west of the municipal head) are an excellent opportunity to walk four wet rooms, for which figures are observed rock figures.

6. Xilitla

It is the ideal place for nature lovers and tranquility, possessor of a great historical and cultural richness that has been preserved over time.

The municipality of Xilitla, newly appointed MAGIC TOWN (12 December 2011) shows its heritage surrounded by lush vegetation, with drops of clear water, caves and cellars.

Located in the south of the Huasteca in the highest the part of the Sierra Madre Oriental, it is considered one of the most important municipalities in the state for its abundant vegetation, tropical climate, and the bright and beautiful traditions of its people.

Hotel Real Tamasopo - Xilitla

Stay with us and discover all the wonderful things that the Huasteca Potosina has to offer you!

 Book now calling us at +52 482 387 0462